Our Clients Healing Experiance


Feel free and alive and I know myself much better

Thank you so much for the change you have helped me to achieve. I feel free and alive and I know myself much better. When I first met Mina, I wanted help with my upset stomach. Within one session I got so much relief. Whenever I got a fever, throat infection, or tonsils she used to do healing and it would disappear within no time. Many times I didn't even take medicines for the same. What brought wonderful changes in my life was psychotherapy. It helped me to get rid of all the unexpressed pain and bad memories. I won't say it took away my memory but yes it doesn't affect me anymore.

Whenever I think of it I look at its positive side like how it has helped me to be the person that I am today. Psychotherapy sessions helped me to gain my confidence back and believe in myself, made me feel so special that today I get a big smile on my face whenever I think about my journey.

She is one of the purest souls I have come across in my life. Thank you for all your angelic healing that has brought so many beautiful changes in my life. I am thankful for the day we first started talking which itself healed me a lot.

Salil Desai, Delhi


Cancer is by far the most feared word and dis-ease today, closely followed by chemotherapy.

In fact, Chemotherapy side effects are worse than any sickness or suffering that one has probably endured to survive cancer.

Naturopathy and energy healing can immensely help alleviate the nasty and often unbearable effects of chemotherapy.

Usually come across cases among friends, and complementary Pranic Healing helps provide the necessary courage, comfort and strenght to cope with treatment options which include chemotherapy over a period of time.

The weekend saw a hurried request for help for a dear friend of a friend who was due for a chemotherapy session outstation on Monday . The gentleman was described as, " the most positive and courageous person".....who had such a high endurance for pain and suffering, but who unfortunately, could just not "bear" the effects of the chemotherapy. "The burning stinging pain is intolerable and I can barely breathe, I just don't want to live at that time"...it was painful to just hear these words. vvv

Tuesday morning was a happy one, as we learnt that ...the brave gentleman was relaxed and composed for his chemotherapy on Monday, he had an uneventful and restful sleep, hardly any pain, much to his surprise...and "healthy" disappointment 😊, as he was expecting the worst.

This is the power of Prayer and Pranic Healing. ....Sharing this with everyone so that we all know, there is always help at hand...even at the twelfth hour...prayers, good intentions and love heals and conquers all.....



7th Oct 2018 Sonam's testimony.

With deep gratitude and deep respect i thank you Mina da Costa ,for healing me.Its was so kind of you to do healing for me at the time that was convinient for me,despite your very busy schedule.During the time of healing i felt warm and relaxed so i dozed off. After the healing i felt so peaceful and light as if a heavy weight has been lifted off me.Now the pain I had in my throat for a long time and the terrible dry cough which the doctor said is due to acid reflux,and the chest pain and stomach pain are completely gone.I feel very good,peaceful and calm and no pain at all. Thank you so much and God bless you with all the happiness and joy so that you continue to help those in need.No words can describe how happy and grateful I am! Your comforting and encouraging words were itself like a medicine. You are an angel !Thank you so much 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻.



Thank Mina Da Costa and her Team for doing healing

I, Mrs Lobo wish to Thank Mina Da Costa and her Team for doing healing for me.

I underwent 2 massive heart attacks in November 2021. Angiography showed 90 - 100 % blockages. My operation was 8½ hours. Wound was not healing. I'm a patient of multiple illnesses. But the constat healing has helped me to recover wonderfully. Praise God! May the healing that you all perform help the multitude as it has helped me. 🙏🏻🙏🏻 Thankyou very much Mina and your team. You are a blessing to me ❣️



Shantanu Sahare's testimony

"I have recovered and am fully fit now".....said Shantanu Sahare. It was heart warming to hear this from Shantanu today. It was so very meaningful as he defied all odds and damning diagnosis more than 6 years ago to share his story here with us today. Several Doctors and Cardiac Specialists, all had the same thing to say..... "There is a major problem in his heart, which appears to be fatal. A heart transplant or an ATTEMPT to repair the valves are the ONLY treatment options." Shantanu was in and out of the ICU, there was swelling and edema in his abdomen and face...he was being treated symptomatically, and sympathetically, given that he had no chances of surviving beyond 4 months. The family turned to Pranic healing as a last resort. The very first day after Pranic Healing, the swelling in his abdomen and face reduced completely. The second day he came out of the ICU. He was readmitted to ICU on the third day due to the lung infection and respiratory distress. On the fourth day, in the evening he was out of the ICU and walking around in the wards. After 5 days of dedicated and repeated Pranic Healing, he felt much better and stronger and wanted to go home. All symptoms of cardiac and respiratory distress disappeared. A repeat echocardiogram in the same hospital, after 8 days dismally said "no changes". But changes were definitely evident for Shantanu and his family. ... He was advised complete rest and sent home.. He has been living a normal active life ever since..thanks to PRANIC HEALING. Shantanu Sahare wished to share his story here, to give hope and encouragement to others.



Mrs. Shalini Reddy May 21st 2016. PARALYSIS OF THE FEET AND HANDS

I was wheelchair bound accompanied by my husband and 4 year old daughter I was paralysed and couldn't move my feet and had no sensitivity in both hands and feet. I couldn't retain any food or water and was constantly bringing up even a sip of ingested water. I had suffered from this condition for a little over 7 months and had lost a lot of weight and interest in life. I completely stopped moving around and was paralysed for a month. My husband had to carry me around wherever the wheelchair couldn't be used. We were advised to try Pranic healing. After the healing, I was able to stand with support and the nausea eased. I actually drank more than a liter of water and even felt "hungry". I was surprised that my hands and feet kept moving on their own during the healing and I could feel the "heat" flowing through my once numb body. After the healing my husband helped me stand for a while and I managed 2 steps with support...I could button up my sweater on my own too...and in fact I even signed the feedback form my husband wrote out for me. After an hour I could walk with my husband's support. I was carried in for the healing and walked out with a nervous and hesitant smile.



Pranic Healing Session for a 4 year old boy

Thought I would share this healing experience as it would probably give, many premature born children and their parents hope, to deal with various so called setbacks and disabilities and delayed mile stones. I carried my little boy who will turn 4, next month, for a pranic healing session. He was a premature baby, born more than 2 months before his due date. He wasn't able to speak clearly, and couldn't support his head, neck and back. He couldn't stand even with support, and his little hands were firmly clasped as in a 'new born'. He could hear well and responded to his name with the sweetest smile. Although restless, his mobility constraints, prevented him from moving around. As expected, within half an hour of the healing, he turned to one side, unassisted, much to the joy and surprise of his anxious parents. And then he clearly said, " GO HOME". He also reached out and grabbed his mother's earrings with his 'UNCLENCHED LITTLE HANDS'. His mother said that 6 months of vigorous physiotherapy, hadn't yielded such remarkable instant visible results. Going by the 2 basic principles of growth and development, which are:
1) Proximo-distal ( centre outwards on either side)
2) Cephalo- caudal ( head to feet)
November 2014.
Suresh Asthana
